I was in technology sales for years, but prior to that I was in the restaurant industry which is where I developed great customer service skills. I got into Solar in 2015 because I wanted to use my sales & customer service skills for a truly meaningful product. I’ve always been with the environment, so when i saw an ad for SolarCity and learned about their amazing training program, I knew it would be a perfect fit. Since then, I’ve been honored to help scores of families finally get out from under the grip of the utilities. After working for one solar company after another, I formed Paradigm Shift Solar because I needed to be fully aligned to the values I developed over the years in customer service. When people ask me what I do for a living, I often answer that “I save the world!” I truly believe that every time I help a family go solar, I am personally responsible for removing tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. I take great pride in the idea that I’m doing much more than my part, all while saving people money and achieving energy independence. How do you beat that?

Step 1
Fill in your basic information

Step 2
Answer a few simple questions about your home

Step 3
Upload a recent copy of your electric bill (option)

Step 4
Schedule a free, no-obligation Solar consultation
Start Your Free No Obligation Quote
113 N San Vicente Blvd Suite # 338, Beverly Hills, CA 90211,
United States
Phone: (323) 967-8530
Email: quotes@ps-solar.com
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